Gian Carlo Delgado Ramos. 2017.
Encyclopedia of Mineral and Energy Policy (Tiess, Majumder y Cameron, editors).
pp. 1-8. ISBN: 9783642408717.
General Information on Mexico
Mexico covers an area of 1.96 million km2 and accounts for 11,593 km of coastline. Overlapping the Tropic of Cancer, Mexico is a megadiverse country, holding between 10% and 12% of the known species worldwide across prodigious and diverse ecosystems from arid deserts to tropical rainforests and coral reefs.
Mexico's Federal Republic is composed of 32 states and 2,457 municipalities. The government structure is comprised of the Presidency and its secretariats, the Legislative which is arranged into a bicameral Congress (Senate and Chamber of Representatives), and the Judicial power. States also have their executive, legislative and judicial branches.
The country is the second-largest economy in Latin America. In 2015, the GDP almost reached US$1.3 trillion. The primary sector of the economy generates 3.3% of the total GDP, secondary activities (where mining is included) generates 32%, tertiary activities generate 59%, and the remaining 5.9% corresponds to...