Investigador titular C de tiempo completo, definitivo, adscrito al Instituto de Geografía de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Integrante del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores de México (nivel III, SECIHTI); miembro regular de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias; rapporteur del Multidisciplinary Expert Scientific Advisory Group del GEO-7 (PNUMA); y parte del Consejo Ejecutivo de la Red Mexicana de Científicos por el Clima.
Models of governance for converging technologies
Kamilla Kjølberg (a); Gian Carlo Delgado-Ramos (b); Fern Wickson (a); Roger Strand(a)
a The Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities, University of Bergen, Norway.
b The Centre of Interdisciplinary Research on Sciences and Humanities, National Autonomous University of Mexico.
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Volume 20, Issue 1 January 2008: 83 - 97.
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The development of converging technologies (CTs) closely interacting with the human body might become one of the great challenges for science and technology governance in the years to come. This paper compares the visions and recommendations on CT policies by Roco and Bainbridge with those of the high-level expert group in the EU (authored by Nordmann), and documents differences in their respective conceptualizations of uncertainty, complexity and the future. While Roco and Bainbridge argue for the urgency of technological development, Nordmann recommends a thorough social process of upstream public participation in the framing of the technological goals to be achieved. However, a tension is seen in the Nordmann report regarding the role of public resistance in the development of technology.
Keywords: converging technologies; complexity; governance; nanotechnology; policy; public participation; risk; uncertainty.
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